…an artistic community of photographers and videographers.
At rustiQue, anything goes.
We want to provide a space as a creative EXPERIENCE.
rustiQue was birthed by photographers Phil McGuire, Paul Son and Julia Bruk in 2011 as a collaborative effort to create a unique space for the camera community to frolic. The space is encouraged to be used for photography, but also suited for video work, although not sound proof.
We will be hosting a variety of networking events and workshops throughout the year about various aspects of photography and videography, so keep a look out and join our facebook page for updates.
Please shoot us an e-mail with ideas of events/workshops, or stop by and say hello.
If we aren’t there, draw a picture of a deer and mail it in {yes, you will get a special treat sent back}.
Hours vary depending on availability. Reservations can be made at any time through phone or e-mail. info@rustiquestudios.com
We strive to provide affordable rates for the community to encourage shooting and experimentation.
Commercial and corporate rates available upon request.